Your update on news, developments and opportunities for action from OYU

May Newsletter
Dear OYU Members,
I am writing to share three big announcements! First, please join me in welcoming OYUnited’s new Civic Engagement and Training Coordinator, Mickeeya Harrison! Second, in response to the feedback we received from our young leaders, we are happy to announce our new civic engagement and training initiative, OYU Academy! Third, we need a logo for our new initiative, and we are calling on all artist to help us design it! (Please see below for more information)
OYU Academy will include free virtual trainings and virtual town halls to discuss important issues affecting young people and low-income communities. Our goals for the new training initiative are to increase engagement with our members, as well as empower young people with skills to become effective advocates, leaders, and organizers. In addition, our virtual town halls will aim to create space for young people to discuss important issues, share best practices, and connect and bond with other young changemakers across the country.
We need your voice! We need your input! Please take the time to complete this survey in order for us to effectively meet your needs. Your input will be used to help us identify relevant and useful training opportunities throughout our network.
Please complete the survey by June 18th. Once we compile all the responses, we will move forward with scheduling the first virtual training for late June or early July.
Stay tuned!
Are you an artist? Do you have skills in graphic design? We need YOU!

We need your help to design a logo for our new civic engagement training initiative, OYU Academy. This logo will be used in our communications throughout the entire OYU network.
Send us your “draft” or “mock up” for the OYU Academy and show us what you got! Send in your submissions in a JPEG format no later than June 18th. The top designer will receive $100.
• Must use OYU colors and logo
• Must give an “academic feel”
• Send your submission by using this form
• Deadline to submit is June 18th
We look forward to reviewing all submissions!
Lashon Amado
Project Director of Opportunity Youth United