Community Action Team
Anchor Organization: Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative
Staff Coordinator: Lorena Zimmer [[email protected]]
Join this CAT: Lorena Zimmer [[email protected]]
The Denver Community Action Team (Denver CAT) is the Denver local chapter of Opportunity Youth United and is led by the Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative. The Denver CAT first launched in November 2018. The Denver CAT has partnered with the Colorado Workforce Development Council’s State Youth Council with the goal of increasing young adult voice in state and local government to influence system change and support the development and implementation of pathways to economic success for young adults in Colorado.
In addition, the Denver CAT advises and supports the Denver Opportunity Youth Initiative’s (DOYI) strategic plan. The DOYI is a collaborative community strategy to build and deepen these needed educational and career pathways for opportunity youth. The initiative, led by the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce is a collective impact across local foundations, public/private entities, Denver Public Schools, community-based organizations, business, workforce centers and postsecondary institutions.