Elvera Perry
Administrative Manager for Opportunity Youth United
Elvera has worked at YouthBuild USA supporting the CEO and Founder and the National Council of Young Leaders since 2012.
In 2015, Elvera became the Administrative Manager of Opportunity Youth United (OYU) movement, working to support the National Council of Young Leaders to become a respected, dynamic, center of action and opinion representing Opportunity Youth and to achieve the policy changes called for in the Council’s Recommendations by working closely with existing coalitions, sponsoring organizations, partners and funders. Part of Elvera’s job is to assist in building out Opportunity Youth United as a movement: building membership, supporting the Community Action Teams, and Community Leaders. Before coming to YouthBuild USA, Elvera worked in Case Management at Spaulding Rehabilitation Center assisting patients with disabilities to make sure their needs were met. Though the population she works with has changed, Elvera has always had a desire to advocate for those whose voices have been silenced by life experiences, systemic oppression or generational poverty. A graduate of Katharine Gibbs business school, Elvera lives outside of Boston with her teen-aged son. Her other son is in college.